Hello September!
Wow, this year really is flying by, even during a worldwide pandemic! We really hope you are keeping safe & well.
It has been so nice to gain some sense of “normality” by seeing patients again. Obviously, the way we are doing things does differ to before, but chatting to you (from behind masks) and helping patients who need us, feels great.
If you have been in to see us since we re-opened, then we really hope you found your visit welcoming & as similar to your usual appointment as possible. The main difference is our reception area being closed. Sadly, for now, you are not able to sit in reception and wait for your appointment. Instead, we are asking you to remain in your vehicle, or wait in the car park, being careful to social distance with other patients. If you call us on arrival and let us know you are here, or make your presence known to our reception team, it will help ensure you are seen on time. The weather is slowly starting to change, so do bear all of this in mind and try to arrive as near to your appointment time as possible, not too early in case of rain or cold!
Patients are asking if they are required to wear a mask… Because we are leading you directly to your treatment room, you do not have to wear one. However, if you have multiple appointments with the dentist & hygienist, then you may be waiting in the reception area in between. We kindly ask that if you are able, then do wear a mask during this time.
We are still working our way through the list of appointments cancelled during the enforced shut down. So, you can either wait to be contacted, or get in touch with us to rebook.
We have been blown away with your kindness and understanding during this difficult time & we honestly could not be more grateful for our wonderful patients!
If you have any issues regarding your upcoming visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For now, stay safe, stay well, keep smiling!
Team Cotteswold x